Lyte Sales

Sales Engagement Consulting

Expert guidance and optimization ​for sales teams utilizing


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What is:

Lyte Sales

We assist new teams in implementing, optimizing, ​and overseeing all aspects related to Outreach.

Whether it's setting up new teams swiftly or ​offering a fresh perspective, reset, or ​optimization for experienced teams, Lyte Sales is ​trusted to adapt to the constantly evolving sales ​environment.

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Professional Consulting Services

Women Planning Together at Work


With over 200 completed ​projects, we ‘lyte’ the way​ to a successful launch of​​

Turkish Men Working at the Office

Audit & Optimization

The Outreach you started with ​may not be following best ​practice today, we help find ​out why and fix it quickly.

Business People in a Handshake

New admin hires can be ​risky, let the experts be ​your admins at a fraction of ​the cost and risk.

Managed Services


What is the advantage of hiring ​Lyte Sales?

With 10 years of Outreach ​experience and founded by one of ​the O.G. 10 sales people at ​Outreach, our experience is ​birthed in sales. This ​translates to the best ​operational experience. Plus we ​know where the skeletons are ​buried.

What kind of deliverables are to be expected?

Best in class Outreach ​configuration based on your ​industry and sales philosophy. ​The core ideas of sales stay ​very much the same, how you ​execute on those ideas is always ​changing. Outreach is a ​magically powerful when you ​configure it right!

How long will the project take and how long until results can be measured?

Our flexibility is your ​advantage. Some projects can be ​completed in a couple of weeks, ​while others need check through ​multiple approval trees. We will ​go fast enough to fulfill your ​needs, but not so fast we skip ​essential workflow ​considerations.

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Early Reviews

“It was great having someone with a sales background doing the ​technical setup because it helped keep the main function of ​Outreach in mind, closing more deals! ”


“As an implementation partner for Outreach, David has ​successfully onboarded a variety of companies. The customers ​Outreach has sent to David for setup and training at times ​require unique configurations and guidance. He has efficiently ​learned their workflows, aided in technical configuration and ​trained the users with success.”

Al​ex Peyton | Outreach

“...extremely helpful and professional. Would recommend his ​service to anyone.”


Get a quote or set up a consultation.

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